I am moving my Blog to Theancientofdayschosengeneration.wordpress.com. I am going to take down this site in a few days. :)
Verse of the Week
"For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. "
John 1:17
"A powerful moment of prayer between three coffee shop employees and a grieving widow has now been shared by thousands online after a customer captured the act and uploaded it to social media. "
Allanah Francis Christianity Today
For Full Article
Christians impacting our local area
Welcome to my blog :)
I hope that this is a blessing to you.
I do not believe in living a Christian life full of questions and unfulfilled answers. I believe that Yahweh is a God who wants to answer our thirst for knowledge. It is part of the excitement of a Christian life to search out the mysteries of the Ancient of Days. I believe He is a God who wants to be found. In the way that He knows us intimately and all our secrets, I believe Jehovah likewise wants to be known.
"Therefore My people shall know My name; therefore in that day I am the one who is speaking, 'Here I am.'" Isaiah 52:6
My Passion
I hear the Lord saying that He wants to make the church what He originally intended it to be. Pure and unadulterated. God designed His people to be a people who hear His heartbeat alone and will not listen to another. A people who will not bow to another or be contaminated by the doctrines of men whether within the church or outside of it. I believe that the Lord wants us to have a personal revelation of Him and His ways and not revelation based upon second hand insight and interpretation. He wants us to truly have revelation of Him and Him alone.
When someone hears God's truth unadulterated by man's ideas no one can resist It for “It is the power of God unto salvation” Romans 1:16. When we present a mixture of God's thoughts tainted with our own ideas we pollute the food that we present before people and it becomes unappealing. When someone meets the real Jesus they cannot deny Him of what He wants or His will. We are supposed to be a city upon a hill and a holy people who walk in God's divine overshadowing. Most important of all, He wants us to be a people who know Him intimately.
The Lord is getting ready to return. I believe that before He returns that He wants His bride to be fully prepared for His return. By prepared, I mean a bride that truly walks in revelation of Him. In a traditional Jewish engagement the bride prepares herself for her husband's return by learning about Him and who He is. I believe that before the Lord comes back to get us that He wants a bride that knows Him intimately – not a bride that knows doctrine and theology which are man's interpretations. The Lord said that His Holy Spirit would be the one to teach us all things concerning Him not a man or a seminary school.
I believe that there are many truths that are hidden due to language translation. The Lord has not changed in the past 2000 years but the “normalcy” of the manifestation of His power has. There is a reason. The early church had the Bible in the original languages and understood them fully. I believe this is why they walked in greater power than the average church does today. They had full revelation and knowledge of Him.
I feel that the Lord is leading me to uncover His truths that have been hidden that will set His people free from the doctrines of men. I believe now is the time. I have always had a thirst for knowledge and for the truth. I believe that the Lord gave me this desire to uncover hidden things that He wants His people to know and to understand. God's word is a treasure field of hidden goods. Each treasure shows us more of Him and prepares us for His return.
Contact Me at Ancientofdayschosengen@gmail.com
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